28 Nisan 2016 Perşembe

Argentina' s Favorite "Buenos Aries"

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Argentina' s Favorite "Buenos Aries"

    As you see Buenos Aries you feel that you are in Italy. With its beautiful architecture, wide boulevards and streets, Buenos Aries is a charming city. Unfortunately the city stands on its feet thanks to its rich and powerful days in the past. The country' s closed economy caused laziness in catching up with world development and due to corrupt politicians the city is far beyond its rightful place.
    It is difficult for foreigners to invest in the country. It is also difficult for tourists as bank exchange rates are very low. You can exchange yout money for 40%-50% above bank rates in the black market. In order to track currency movements, goverment only allows credit card payments for airplane, ferryboat tickets and package tours.
    There are nice parks and squares in city. Substructure of the city in good condition thanks to planning and investments made in te past. You can use the metro line in the city or you can enjoy wandering around.

    Security problem in the city increases due to bad economy. Locals warn tourists against taxis.
Buenos Aries is rich in gastronomy. You can eat steak and veal as well as try delicious Argentinean wines. 

Classical Music For Cattle

Buenos Aries cuisine is mostly based on meat. The most famous food of the city is Asado which is made of beef. It' s a well known fact that, cattle are raised in a quite environment with massage and classical music in order to make meat tastier.

25 Nisan 2016 Pazartesi

Colombia, Bogota Travel Guide

    Bogota, capital city of Colombia is the shining star of Latin America. Despite guerilla wars which have continued for decades Bogota a thriving city with hard working locals.
    You can see the developing substructure as you go around the city including the airport, bicycle lanes, electrical buses along with modern buildings. The city which reclines to Monserrate Mountain expands towards the north. Although thw forests play an important role in providing oxygen, the pressure of constructors bring forth the discussion of building in the area.
    Transportation system of the city is being transormed. 5-10 years ago the city was in serious traffic chaos due to minibuses named Buseta. Now Municipal buses replaced them. You can see electrical buses on the roads.

    Another significant achievement of the city is sending their former mayor who was involved in corruption to prison after long judicial procces. As corruption is commonly seen in politics in Latin America, Bogota locals are proud of themselves.
    Bogota has dynamic and competitive business life. On the other hand, although security is better than the past, it' s still inadequate due to economical instability. You can see houses surrounded with high walls and guards.
    Bogota has dynamic night life. Streets are filled with salsa, merenque and cumbia melodies on the weekends especially in Zona Rosa region.

23 Nisan 2016 Cumartesi

Paris Présentation, Pont de Grenelle

    La Seine, berceau de I'dentité de Paris, unit les habitants des deux berges. Pour le meilleur er pour le pire, le fleuve a construit une histoire unique pour les marchands de la rive gauche. Tout un symbole.
    C'est au coeur même du fleuve, dans I'île de la Cité, que se trouve I'acte de naissance de Paris. Les Parisii, premiéres tribus celtes fondatrices de Lutéce, vivaient là avant la conquête romaine en 52 avant J.-C. L'embléme de Paris atteste de cette origine aquatique : un bateau sur les flots, surmonté de fleurs de lis. La devise latine en renforce le sens : fluctuat nec mergitur (il est battu par les flots mais ne sombre pas). Paris est la fille du fleuve. Cette symbiose parfaite s'appuie sur 2 000 ans d'activités. Les bateliers de la Seine vont donner à la ville son plein essor et Clovis, son rang de capitale. Les Capétiens, et la succession des souverains aprés eux, confirmeront son prestige. Depuis Paris, les conquérants de France se préparent à partir autour de monde. Les croisades sont parties par voie maritime. Et grâce à la Seine, Paris est un des premiers ports de France. Au retour de ces expéditions, Paris est un havre de paix pour tous. Certains reviennent dépités, d'autres chargés de trophées. Quelle que soit la fortune de celui qui est parti au loin, Paris est toujours la premiére terre d'acceil à son retour.

    La Seine est un cours d'eau plutôt calme et docile. L'urbanisme parisien recherche la perspective de ses courbes et de ses méandres pour mieux s'intégrer. La Seine est la plus belle des avenues : ses ponts et ses statues sont le reflet de l' historie et de la croissance de la ville. Les trente ponts que compte Paris, grâce à leur architecture et à leurs ornements, donnent une image de leur époque et, sur la Seine, quelques statues symboliques représentent les oeuvres qui, par centaines, décorent les places et les rues de Paris. Pont de Grenelle, l'oeuvre de Bartholdi, la statue de La liberté éclairant le monde, est la réplique en miniature de celle inaugurée en 1866 dans le port de New York. Le "zouave" du pont de l'Alma permet la mesure des crues.

    Paris est un modéle de sculptures ornementales. On admire les statues équestres de La Fayette, de Bolivar, de Jeanne d'Arc et d'Henri IV. et les chevaux de Marly. Des fontaines splendides rafraîchissent l'atmosphére à la Concorde, au Châtelet, dans les jardins des Champs-élysées, sur le plateau Beaubourg ou place Gambetta. Les statues animaliéres d'Orsay et le"lion de Belfort", place Denfert-Rochereau, ont un air de bestiaire."Les valises" et "l'heure de tous", d'Arman, à Saint- Lazare, illustrent les préoccupations contemporaines de hommes pressés. Des grands hommes (Voltaire, Balzac...), immortalisés par des sculptures en pied, rappelent que Paris a été traversé par de nombreux courants de pensée.
    Mais la Seine retient toujours l'attention. Les rues de Paris se numérotent à partir des quais, points de départ géographiques. L'illumination des ponts, la nuit, souligne la beauté de leurs lignes et de leurs volumes, et met en valeur leur structure de pierre ou de métal. Parmi ces ponts le pont Neuf est le plus ancien (1589). Le pont Mirabeau a reçu la déclaration des amours de Guillaume Apollinaire.

19 Nisan 2016 Salı

"Chile" A European Country ın Latin America

Türkçesi İçin BURAYA Tıklayın

"Chile" A European Country ın Latin America

Santiago City - Chile

Capital city Santiago, located at the center of Chile lying along the Pasific Ocean. The city shaped like a bowl, surrounded by the Andes is dealing with severe air pollution, number of vehicles and the devoloping industry,
Despite precautions, the fog layer descends on the city during the year. Rich people in the city move out to the rural residental areas.

Santiago is also the finance capital of Chile which is considered as the European country in Latin America with is liberal economy, foreign capital investments and labor. Finance center of the city where companies are located is full of modern buildings.
Santiago is a well-planned city with high life quality which is above the standards of Latin America. Santiago has well organized transportation system, metro and bicycle lanes. You can see well-kept gardens and parks around the city. The city can be considered safe.

Notes; On the shore of Santiago, Mapocho river, set on the skirts of the Andes Mountains on a plain. The city is polluted as there is heavy traffic and industry. Therefore it is almost imposisble to see the mountains bordering the east part of the city during the winter.

15 Nisan 2016 Cuma

San Francisco; Free City Of Ocean

Türkçe Okumak İçin BURAYA Tıklayın

The history of San Francisco City, which has a cosmopolitan structure, dates back to ancient times. The earliest archaeological evidence of human habitation of the city dates to 3000 BC. The native population, Spanish, Mexicans and Americans.

Golden Gate Bridge

Golden Gate Bridge is the symbol of the city and it is also accepted as the symbol of USA just like the Statue of Liberty.

Traffic As a Postcard

The transportation in San Francisco is at a higher level compared to other cities in USA. The major means of transportation in the city, which offers various alternatives for transportations, are the rail system called BART, metro, bus, ferry and cable cars.
    Hillside is the famous street of San Francisco appearing in movies, Lombart Street is among the places worth visiting in the city. The most appealing slope of the city with soothing landscape, the "s" shaped street can be accessed  by tramway.

The Oldest Chinese Of North America

While touring the city of San Francisco, you may find yourself in an entirely different geography all of a sudden. This is because the oldest and biggest Chinatown in Northern America is located in San Francisco.

Like a Rainbow

San Francisco has a cosmopolitan structure and it is possible to see the reflection of this rich cultural diversity in San Francisco cuisine. You can meet the best examples of Chinese cuisine in Chinatown area of the city. Many places to find thr best dishes of Mexican cuisine are also located in San Francisco, It is possible to run across a corner taco or burrito stand.